Escuela de clasificación Circuito Frances

Dear golfer,

 You will find here below all information about French Tour Qualifying School 2016:


Dates and venues:

First Stage Pre-Qualifying A : 16th and 17th March 2016  at Golf Club Montpellier Massane (website)

First Stage Pre-Qualifying B : 16th and 17th March 2016  at Golf Club Béziers Saint-Thomas (website)

Final Stage : 20th to 22nd March 2016 at Golf du Cap d’Agde (website)


Format and fields:

First stage A : 16th and 17th March 2016 at Golf Club Montpellier Massane

Field will be 78 players.

Beyond 78 entries, applicants will be imputed on Béziers Saint-Thomas Golf Course.

 First stage B : 16th and 17th March 2016  at Golf Club Béziers Saint-Thomas

Field will be 78 players.

Beyond 78 entries, applicants will be imputed on a reserve list.

 Priority may be determined by the entry fee date of payment.

If the number of applicants is 90 or under, the First stage will be scheduled on Montpellier-Massane Golf Course only (i.e. a maximum of 78 players + reserve list).

Beyond 90 cumulated entries on First Stages “A and B”, the 12 first players who have chosen the First stage “B” on Béziers Saint-Thomas Golf course will be imputed on it. First stage “A” at Montpellier- Massane will be completed integrality before adding entries on the First stage “B”.

 Players who can benefit from one of optional exemptions (d-e-f-g-h-i) will be informed by the organizing committee on Friday 4th March at latest if they will play directly the Final Stage or if they will have to play the First Stage.

The First Stage is scheduled to be played over 36 holes stroke play.

A minimum of 15 players will be qualified for the Final Stage. The number of players qualifying to proceed to the Final Stage will be announced after the start of the first round of the two First Stages “A & B”.

In case of ties, a hole by hole playoff on each venue will determine the selected players. Playoff will take place as soon as possible after the end of regular play.

Final Stage : 20th to 22nd March 2016 at Golf du Cap d’Agde

Field will be 78 players.

Players who benefit from one of automatic exemptions (a-b-c) will be exempted from the First Stage and eligible for the Final Stage.

The Final Stage is scheduled to be played over 54 holes stroke play. After 36 holes, the field will be cut down to the leading 40 players and ties who will play the last round.

After 54 holes, players who make the cut and ties will be ranked according to their scores.

All tied scores shall be ranked by the best last 18 holes, 9, 6, 3, and last hole.


Exemption criteria (automatic and optional):

 Automatic exemptions

The following players are exempted from the First Stage and eligible for the Final Stage:

  1. Players finishing beyond 40th place of the French National Order of Merit on the 17th November 2015.
  2. Amateur players who took part in the 2015 Men or Boys European Team Championships.
  3. Players with the “1st series elite” status in 2016 in France.

 Optional exemption

The French Professional Commission can spread out the criteria of exemption of the pre-qualifying tournament (First Stage), in the number of available spots:

  1. to players who have a category on the Challenge Tour for 2016 (from category 1 to 17).
  2. to players who have a category on the Alps Tour for 2016 (from category 0 to 8).
  3. to the players who took part in the «Stage 2» of the European Tour Qualifying School 2015, according to tournament ranking.
  4. to the players who took part in the Final Stage of the Alps Tour Qualifying School 2015, according to tournament ranking.
  5. to winners of tournaments listed on the French Tour schedule.
  6. to players who had a category on the French Tour in 2015 or in 2016 (from category 1 to 34).


Eligibility and entries:

 Eligibility for entry:

(1) all male professional golfers,

(2) amateur players with a handicap of scratch (0) at the closing date,

(3) French players must have taken their ffgolf license for 2016 and provide a medical certificate.

 Entry fee: 280,00€

Deadline for entries: Tuesday 1st March 2016

 You will find enclosed application form and the French Tour Qualifying School regulation.


Issues and  tournaments on French Tour 2016:

 The final result will determine the players members of the following categories:

  • The winner of the French Tour Qualifying School: Category 17 (access to all the tournaments  sanctioned “Challenge Tour” and “Alps Tour” in France)
  • The leading 5 players of the French Tour Qualifying School: Cat. 19 (access to minimum two “Challenge Tour” tournaments in France and all the “Alps Tour” tournaments in France)
  • The leading 20 players of the French Tour Qualifying School: Cat. 23 (access to all the “Alps Tour” tournaments in France)
  • Players making the cut of the Final Stage and finishing beyond 20th place and ties of the Final Result: Cat. 32 (reserve category)

 For your information, there will be 3 Challenge Tour and 6 Alps Tour tournaments in 2016.

 The players who will have a French category will be eligible to play the national events (except specific regulation), “Challenge Tour” and “Alps Tour” tournaments by the national fields. Concerning the “European Tour” tournaments, only the players having a specific category in the tournament will be eligible.

 To obtain full membership rights, players who are eligible for membership in 2016 French Tour categories, must have paid their membership fee to PGA France (250 € to be confirmed) and ffgolf license (52€) before the 31st March 2016.

 Foreign players will not be included on the French National Order of Merit 2016. They will be eligible to join the French Tour in 2017 categories only by obtaining a category by French Tour Qualifying School 2017.

 Our website:


If you need more details, don’t hesitate to contact Jean-Guillaume CIRIER by writing to or by calling at +33 1 41 49 77 09.

Or contact our Professional Department by writing to or by calling at +33 1 41 49 77 78




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